firefly_client - Python API to Firefly visualization#

firefly_client provides a Python API to the Firefly visualization framework. You can find it on Github at Caltech-IPAC/firefly_client


Firefly is a web framework for astronomical data access and visualization, developed at Caltech/IPAC and deployed for the archives of several major facilities including Spitzer, WISE, Plank and others. Firefly is the framework for the Portal Aspect of the LSST Science User Platform. Its client-server architecture is designed to enable a user to easily visualize images and catalog data from a remote site.

The firefly_client package provides a lightweight client class that includes a Python interface to Firefly’s Javascript API. This document contains examples of how to start a FireflyClient instance with details about the server location, and how to use the instance to upload and display astronomical images, tables and catalogs.

Using firefly_client#

Developer Guide#

Python API reference#