Making Plots and Histograms --------------------------- Once a table has been uploaded to Firefly, :meth:`FireflyClient.show_chart` will display a scatter plot. The `x` and `y` parameters can be set to use names of columns in the table, or to arithmetic expressions that combine table columns. .. code-block:: py trace1 = dict(tbl_id='2mass-tbl', x='tables::j_m', y='tables::h_m-k_m', mode='markers', type='scatter', marker=dict(size=4)) layout1 = dict(title='2MASS color-mag', xaxis=dict(title='J'), yaxis=dict(title='H - K')) fc.show_chart(layout=layout1, data=[trace1]) A histogram can be displayed with :meth:`FireflyClient.show_chart`: .. code-block:: py trace2 = dict(type='fireflyHistogram', name='j_m', marker=dict(color='rgba(153, 51, 153, 0.8)'), firefly=dict(tbl_id='2mass-tbl', options=dict(algorithm='fixedsizeBins', fixedBinSizeSelection='numBins', numBins=30, columnOrExpr='j_m'))) layout_hist = dict(title='Photometry histogram', xaxis=dict(title='j_m (mag)'), yaxis=dict(title='Number')) fc.show_chart(layout=layout_hist, data=[trace2]) Both plot types include options for log scaling as well as other settings.