Code Organization

Goals of Kete

Kete is a collection of tools for calculating the orbits and expected fluxes for minor planets for the purpose of estimating which objects are visible in current, past, or future sky surveys. Specifically the goal is that these calculations may be performed on the full set of all known asteroids in a reasonable amount of time on a laptop.


There are a number of existing tools which enable the propagation of orbits for many millions or billions of years, but these typically are designed for a comparatively small number of objects (perhaps 10-100 thousand), whereas kete’s design intent is 10-100 million objects over the course of decades. The total compute approximately scales like:

computation time ~ (number of objects) x (length of time being simulated)

However solving the large number of objects for a relatively short length of time can be optimized differently than a small number of objects for Giga-years.

Flux Estimation

After propagation has been performed, it is important to estimate the total expected flux of the objects from the point of view of an observer. There are a number of models for this available, including the Near Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM), the Fast Rotator Model (FRM), and the HG-Magnitude system which is common for asteroids in the visible band.

SPICE Kernel Interoperability

SPICE is a commonly used software package which has been in development for several decades at this point, and is often used to keep track of the ephemeris of planets, satellites (both natural and artificial), asteroids, and comets. Essentially the motion of anything in the Solar System can be encoded in some flavor of SPICE kernel. The primary downside of using cSPICE is that there is no native support for multi-core cpu queries (an artifact of the age of the code). Kete has native multi-core support for the majority of all commonly used SPICE kernels.

High level Structure

Why Rust?

Given the goals listed above, it is clear that performance plays a key roll in design considerations of the tool. As a result of this, the Rust language was chosen as the primary language for a majority of the business logic. A Python “wrapper” was written on top of the Rust core, allowing users to call the compiled Rust code from Python. This wrapper lowers the barrier to entry for users doing data-analysis or simulations without having to learn the underlying Rust.

Rust has a number of advantages over existing languages, it’s performance is typically comparable to C++/C, however due to the structure of the language it is less prone to the most common type of errors to do with memory allocation and management. In addition to this, Rust has excellent native multi-core support, especially for embarrassingly parallel problems such as the orbit propagation required for kete.

Kete Core

The Rust core of the library, which does the underlying orbit and flux calculations is written entirely without any reference to Python. This core part is available as kete_core, and programming can be done entirely within Rust for tools which do not require the Python wrapper. This design was chosen so that systems tools which would benefit from orbit computation can be written without having to have Python installed. It is important to note that if performance is a concern, then removing the Python is an important step to get the maximum possible performance.

Core Python Wrapper

The Rust library described above then has Python wrappers written over it, allowing users to call these compiled tools inside of Python. In order to do this, some boiler-plate code is required to glue these independent parts together. This is where the rust folder inside of kete comes from. Inside of this folder there are rust files which are mostly a one-to-one mapping to their respective counterparts inside of the kete_core. Ideally there should be no ‘business’ logic contained within these wrappers, and they should largely exist to provide convenient mappings from the Python concepts to the Rust internal organization.

Kete Python

The remaining part of the code which is strictly Python is mostly quality of life functions, plotting, and web query code. There is little to no mathematics or physics contained within the Python.