Converting ADQL to Local SQL

SQL Variations Between DBMSs

Like most standards, SQL left enough ambiguity and there were enough holes that existing implementations vary enough to be noticeable. In defining the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL) the VO community picked specific solutions for some of this.

An example of this is the mechanism for cutting off the number of returned records. Different systems use the following to achieve this effect:

select * from mytbl LIMIT 100

select TOP 100 * from mytbl

select FIRST 100 * from mytbl

select * from mytbl WHERE ROWNUM <= 100

ADQL chose to go with the TOP construct.

But the main difference between ADQL and SQL was the addition of a suite of geometric functions to support spatial queries (and the assumption that there would be spatial indexing underneath them to provide speed). This is not supported intrinsically in any variant of SQL, though there are extensions to several DBMSs that provide the underpinnings this functionality would need.

In the absence of any standard, the VO community defined a set of functions to be implemented as necessary. For example, a cone search would be accomplished with the “CONTAINS()” function (as in “circle contains database point”):

where CONTAINS(POINT('icrs', ra, dec), CIRCLE('icrs', 34., 45. 0.1)) = 1

Here we have defined a circle (in the ICRS coordinate system) centered at (34.,45.) and having a radius of 0.1 degrees and are comparing it to the set of points on the sky defined by the RA and Dec columns from a database table (also in the ICRS coordinate system). Since CONTAINS() is a function it has to have a value and CONTAINS() value returns 1 or 0 for True/False.

In a simple system with a single CONTAINS() constraint, this could be implemented as a post-filter but this approach rapidly falls apart, both as the table gets large and if the function is used repeatedly in an AND/OR query.

Our Approach

Rather than dive into the guts of all the DBMSs, we have chosen a simpler approach. Since the bulk of any ADQL query is going to match the local DBMS SQL just fine, we decided to pre-process the ADQL into local SQL before giving it to the engine.

We use Oracle internally (because of a Caltech site license), so that was our first implementation. We also occasionally use SQLite3, so that was the second. We plan to implement PostgreSQL next and then MySQL but can adjust the schedule in response to input from the community.

We will start with the following ADQL:

select TOP 100 ra, dec
from iraspsc
where contains(point('icrs', ra, dec), circle('GALACTIC', 234.56, 34.567, 0.006)) = 1
      and glat > 34.567
order by dec desc

In order to modify the construction of the statement, we need to first take the ADQL apart. However, we don’t need to fully characterize it in the way a database engine would and in particular we don’t need to “validate” the structure (or column names or anything else; the DBMS is going to do that later). We just need to have the pieces of the query in a form that can be put back together and where the principal components are identified (e.g., the beginning and end of the WHERE clause, where each CONTAINS() function appears (and other functions like POINT(), CIRCLE(), POLYGON() and DISTANCE()).

For this we can use a non-validating parser package like the pure Python ‘sqlparse’. Sqlparse turns an SQL (ADQL) statement into a memory structure like the following:

[ ]
Identifier: [ra]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Identifier: [iraspsc]
[ ]
   [ ]
         Identifier: [contains]
                  Identifier: [point]
                        [ ]
                        Identifier: [ra]
                     [ ]
               [ ]
                  Identifier: [circle]
                        [ ]
                        [ ]
                        [ ]
      [ ]
      [ ]
   [ ]
   [ ]
      Identifier: [glat]
      [ ]
      [ ]
   [ ]
[order by]
[ ]
[ ]

From this, we identify the “geometry” blocks (actually any specially identified functions) and replace them with placeholder` tokens:

token  0:   [select]
token  1:   [ ]
token  2:   [ra]
token  3:   [,]
token  4:   [ ]
token  5:   [dec]
token  6:   [ ]
token  7:   [from]
token  8:   [ ]
token  9:   [iraspsc]
token 10:   [ ]
token 11:   [where]
token 12:   [ ]
token 13:   [GEOM]
token 14:   []
token 15:   []
token 16:   []
token 17:   []
token 18:   [ ]
token 19:   [and]
token 20:   [ ]
token 21:   [glat]
token 22:   [ ]
token 23:   [>]
token 24:   [ ]
token 25:   [34.567]
token 26:   [ ]
token 27:   [order by]
token 28:   [ ]
token 29:   [dec]
token 30:   [ ]
token 31:   [desc]

The geometry information is saved in a structure the will be converted into a form usable by the DBMS:

    'name': 'contains',
      {'name': 'point',
       'args': ["'icrs'", 'ra', 'dec']},

      {'name': 'circle',
       'args': ["'GALACTIC'", '234.56', '34.567', '0.006']}

    'val': '1'

With these data structures, we can fairly easily move the TOP specification inside the WHERE clause as a constraint on ROWNUM and convert each CONTAINS() block into the equivalent constraints on the (x,y,z) and spatial index (here ‘htm20’) columns using the tools described in DBMS-Agnostic Spatial Indexing:

select ra, dec
from iraspsc
where (((-0.797580403011*x)+(0.603104711077*y)+(-0.011410881210*z)>=9.999999945169e-01)
      AND (   (htm14 = 2569468753)
           OR (htm14 = 2569468758)
           OR (htm14 = 2569468766)
           OR (htm14 BETWEEN 2569468865 AND 2569468879))
       and glat > 34.567)
      AND ROWNUM <= 100
order by dec desc

Note that the spatial part of this translation is DBMS-agnostic; it would work just as well with PostgreSQL or SQLite. The conversion of the TOP directive is actually hardest for Oracle given that it has to become part of the WHERE clause; for other DBMSs it would be easier.

Extending the Paradigm

Our databases do not contain records which themselves have extended geometry and we can therefore forego ADQL functions like INTERSECTS() in this first implementation. To address this later, we would first choose a DBMS with intrinsic multi-dimensional support (e.g., a R-Tree index). Our translator could then convert the geometric functions into the extended local DBMS syntax.

We tried to write the ADQL translation code in particular to facilitate extension and reuse. If you have a different DBMS or need for extended objects or even new special functions for your own use, we would be happy to work with you to extend this capability.

What’s Not Implemented in ADQL

There are a few ADQL geometry functions we have not implemented. Here is a complete list:

  • INTERSECTS Test whether two geometric objects intersect. Specifically, whether a geometric object stored in the database intersects with a region defined by the user. This is a very useful capability but requires R-Tree indexing to implement correctly. We will address this in the future, probably usind DBMSs that have R-Trees built-in.

  • AREA, CENTROID Calculate the area/centroid of a geometric object. Most useful if applied to geometric objects in the database. Less so (as here) where the user would be creating a region definition themselves and could easily do these calculations on it. We could implement this if someone defines a use case but for now we are leaving it out.

  • COORD1, COORD2, COORDSYS Extract the coordinate values or coordinate system from a POINT() object. Again, most useful if there are stored POINT objects in the database but we could implement if a use case is defined.

  • REGION A generic approach to region specification in string form. This may well be of great use in the future but at the moment there wouldn’t appear to be a great call for it.

There are also constructs that are technically possible (like CONTAINS(CIRCLE(), CIRCLE()) but again this makes the most sense where we are talking about CIRCLE objects stored in the database. Most other use can be achieve by using CONTAINS(POINT(), CIRCLE()) and padding the size of the second circle with the radius of the first. Again, if someone can define a real need, we will revisit this.

Convex Polygons

In the ADQL specification there is no specification that polygons should be convex (actually, it doesn’t even specify that the polygon lines shouldn’t cross). This distinction is important in practice since the usual way of checking whether a point is in a polygon (i.e., go around the outside of the polygon and see if the point is alway on the same side of the edge lines by doing cross- and dot-products) fails for a concave polygon.

There are various ways to compensate for this, including decomposing the concave polygon into a set of convex ones or finding the bounding convex polygon for the region and post-filtering the database points found. None of these is easy to implement in practice, so for now we consider it an error to use anything but a convex polygon.