TAP Docstrings

class TAP.tap.Tap(**kwargs)

This class is the main program to process the TAP query submitted by a web client, it performs the following functionality:

  1. extract input parameters;

  2. read parameters from TAP configuration file(TAP.ini), the path of the config file is specified by the environment variable ‘TAP_CONF’,

    ‘TAP.ini’ contains web server info, database server info, spatial index setting, and special column names for filtering the proprietary data.

  3. convert ADQL query to local DBMS query (currently Oracle or SQLite3, with others to follow); and

  4. retrieve metadata from database, applies proprietary filter if it is specified by the project.

query(char): an ADQL query(required)

phase(char): the phase it input is either PENDING or RUN,

if not specified, set to PENDING.

format(char): output metadata table format:

votable, ipac, cvs, or tvs; default is votable.

maxrec(int): integer number of records to be returned;

if not specified, all records are returned.

Date: February 05, 2019(Mihseh Kong)