Source code for hiresprv.auth

The ``hiresprv.login`` module initializes an account on the PRV pipeline
server for reduction of radial velocity data.

import getpass
import logging
import json

import urllib
import http.cookiejar

[docs]def login(cookiepath): """ The login function prompts for an authorized KOA user ID and password, then sets up a workspace (or connects to an existing workspace) on the PRV pipeline server for that user. Args: cookiepath (string): a file path provided by the user to save returned cookie which is needed for the subsequent PRV operations. Example: >>> import hiresprv.auth >>> hiresprv.auth.login(cookiepath) # program will prompt for userid and password """ # TODO: Many of these variables are not used userid = '' password = '' url = '' response = '' jsondata = '' status = '' msg = '' debug = 0 debugfile = '' if len(debugfile) > 0: debug = 1 logging.basicConfig(filename=debugfile, level=logging.DEBUG) # TODO: Do we need this? with open(debugfile, 'w') as fdebug: pass if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('Enter Login.init:') logging.debug('cookiepath= %s' % cookiepath) # # get userid and password via keyboard input # userid = input("KOA userid: ") if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('userid= %s' % userid) password = getpass.getpass("KOA Password: ") if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('password= %s' % password) password = urllib.parse.quote(password) if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('after urlencode: password= %s' % password) cookiejar = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(cookiepath) # # url for login # url = '' url = url + 'userid=' + userid + '&' url = url + 'password=' + password if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('url= %s' % url) # # build url_opener # # TODO: unused variable data = None try: opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar)) if debug: logging.debug('here1') urllib.request.install_opener(opener) if debug: logging.debug('opener installed') request = urllib.request.Request(url) if debug: logging.debug('here2') cookiejar.add_cookie_header(request) if debug: logging.debug('cookie added') response = if debug: logging.debug('response= ') logging.debug(response) except urllib.error.URLError as e: status = 'error' msg = 'URLError= ' + e.reason if debug: logging.debug('e.code= ' + e.code + ' e.reason= ' + e.reason) logging.debug('URLError: msg= %s' % msg) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: status = 'error' msg = 'HTTPError= ' + e.reason if debug: logging.debug('HTTPError: msg= %s' % msg) # TODO: Is there a more specific exception we should catch here? # I see that this is the last of several possible exceptions so # probaby OK to let slide here. except Exception: status = 'error' msg = 'URL exception' if debug: logging.debug('other exceptions') if status == 'error': msg = 'Failed to login: %s' % msg print(msg) return if debug: logging.debug('got here: response= ') logging.debug(response) # # check content-type in response header: # if it is 'application/json', then it is an error message # if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug( infostr = dict( if debug: logging.debug('infostr= %s' % infostr) contenttype = infostr.get('Content-type') if debug: logging.debug('contenttype= %s ' % contenttype) data = sdata = data.decode("utf-8") jsondata = json.loads(sdata) if debug: logging.debug('here2: data= ') logging.debug(data) logging.debug('sdata= %s' % sdata) logging.debug('jsondata= ') logging.debug(jsondata) for key, val in jsondata.items(): if debug: logging.debug('key= %s val= %s' % (key, val)) if key == 'status': status = val if key == 'msg': msg = val if debug: logging.debug('status= %s msg= %s' % (status, msg)) if status == 'ok':, ignore_discard=True) if debug: logging.debug('cookiejar saved to hirescookietxt') msg = 'Successful login as %s' % userid else: msg = 'Failed to login: %s' % msg if debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('status= %s' % status) logging.debug('msg= %s' % msg) print(msg) return