Physical Constants
- kete.constants.AU_KM = 149597870.7
AU in km.
- kete.constants.AU_M = 149597870700
AU in meters by definition.
- kete.constants.BOLTZMANN = 1.381e-23
J / K
- kete.constants.C_V = 1329.0
Relationship constant for conversion between D, H_V, and p_V
- kete.constants.EARTH_MAJOR_AXIS_M = 6378137.0
Earth semi major axis in meters.
- kete.constants.EARTH_MINOR_AXIS_M = 6356752.3
Earth minor axis in meters.
- kete.constants.EARTH_MOON_DIST_KM = 385000
Approximate average distance from the Earth to the Moon in km.
- kete.constants.EARTH_RADIUS_AU = 4.26352124542639e-05
Earth radius in AU.
- kete.constants.EARTH_RADIUS_M = 6378137.0
Earth radius in meters.
- kete.constants.J2000 = 2451545.0
J2000 JD.
- kete.constants.K_SUN = 0.01720209894846
AU^(3/2) per (Day sqrt(Solar Mass))
- kete.constants.MOON_RADIUS_AU = 1.16138016662292e-05
Radius of the Moon in au.
- kete.constants.PLANCK = 6.62618e-34
J * s
- kete.constants.SOLAR_FLUX = 1360.8
W/m^2 measured at 1 AU.
- kete.constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458.0
Meters per second
- kete.constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT_AUDAY = 173.14463267424034
AU per day
- kete.constants.STEFAN_BOLTZMANN = 5.670374419e-08
J per K**4 m**2 s
- kete.constants.SUN_GM = 0.00029591220828411956
Standard gravitational parameter, from DE440. au^3 / day^2
- kete.constants.SUN_RADIUS_M = 696000000.0
Sun radius in meters.
- kete.constants.SUN_TEMP = 5778
Sun’s effective black body temp in Kelvin.