WISE Precovery Calculations

This example loads the last release year of NEOWISE fields of view, and predicts which known numbered NEOs are present in all of the frames of NEOWISE during that time.

This can be thought of as an extended version of the KONA tutorial.

WISE Fields of View

A field of view is a patch of sky as seen from an observer. kete supports downloading these FOVs directly from IPACs IRSA data repository.

import kete

# During 2023 there were 2.369 million individual frames taken of both W1 and W2
# bands, totalling just shy of 5 million individual frames.
# This may take some time to download from IRSA.
fovs = kete.wise.fetch_WISE_fovs('Reactivation_2023')

Minor Planet Center Data

Now we have to download the orbit data of NEOs from the Minor Planet Center (MPC).

# This is the orbit table from the MPC, this is over 100Mb, which also may take a
# minute to download. Note that kete caches these files after the first download.
# Future queries will use the cached copy unless `force_download=True` is set.
orb_table = kete.mpc.fetch_known_orbit_data()

# Now we can down select these to just NEOs:
is_neo = kete.population.neo(orb_table['peri_dist'], orb_table['ecc'])
subset = orb_table[is_neo]

# select only the numbered asteroids
subset = subset[[str(n).isdigit() for n in subset.desig]]

# Convert that table of values into cartesian state vectors:
states = kete.mpc.table_to_states(subset)


Now that we have the states loaded, we have to do a little preparation.

The MPC orbit table will have a mixture of epochs for the objects, we need to first bring all of the epochs to a common time. A convenient time is the first frame in the mission phase we have selected.

# Time of the first exposure.
jd = fovs[0].jd

# now we propagate the NEOs to that time, including the effects of the 5 largest
# main belt asteroids to include more precision. This may take a few minutes.
states = kete.propagate_n_body(states, jd, include_asteroids=True)

Visibility Test

Now that we have the FOVs and the States, we can compute what should have been observable to NEOWISE during this mission phase.


This takes a while to run, as it is computing the State of all NEOs for every ~2.4 million frames during 2023 of NEOWISE. On a high end desktop this takes around 3 minutes, on a relatively standard macbook pro expect it to take around 10 minutes. This time scales relatively linearly with number of objects and the number of fields of view.

# This accepts States and a list of field of views, and computes when objects
# would have been seen. The final output will only include times where objects
# were seen, and it drops empty FOVs.

# Compute observable objects.
visible = kete.fov_state_check(states, fovs)


The outputs of this may be saved using the following:

kete.SimultaneousStates.save_list(visible, "visible_wise_2023.bin")

The states may later be loaded using:

visible = kete.SimultaneousStates.load_list("visible_wise_2023.bin")

Computing Positions

We can now compute the on-sky positions of these objects as seen from NEOWISE.

Here is a codeblock which prints the first n_show=100 objects.

n_show = 100
print("Found: ", len(visible))
print(f"Displaying the first {n_show}")
print("-"*(16 * 5))
for vis in visible[:n_show]:
    for state in vis:
        vec = (state.pos - vis.fov.observer.pos).as_equatorial
        mjd = kete.Time(vis.fov.jd).mjd
Found:  68447
Displaying the first 100
Name            mjd             RA              DEC             scan-frame
489453         ,59945.005479   ,01 08 21.420   ,+30 49 30.31   ,46370r-175
279816         ,59945.015411   ,20 22 46.492   ,+69 13 35.87   ,46370r-261
279816         ,59945.015538   ,20 22 46.540   ,+69 13 35.83   ,46370r-262
254417         ,59945.016939   ,18 54 08.690   ,+68 51 49.07   ,46370r-274
162926         ,59945.026871   ,13 45 32.700   ,+31 30 08.87   ,46372r-54
4544           ,59945.029291   ,13 17 39.888   ,+19 49 46.23   ,46372r-75
513572         ,59945.030437   ,13 08 11.160   ,+14 19 55.25   ,46372r-85
455594         ,59945.030819   ,13 05 59.809   ,+12 09 07.12   ,46372r-88
550271         ,59945.032219   ,12 51 36.202   ,+05 15 39.04   ,46372r-100
620064         ,59945.032856   ,12 46 41.624   ,+01 59 36.27   ,46372r-106
277810         ,59945.035403   ,12 25 45.537   ,-10 45 33.28   ,46372r-128
455687         ,59945.064054   ,02 06 58.093   ,-02 02 57.47   ,46373r-93
506491         ,59945.065964   ,01 54 09.057   ,+07 51 45.45   ,46373r-110
163373         ,59945.066983   ,01 46 19.075   ,+13 17 38.21   ,46373r-119
427621         ,59945.066983   ,01 46 29.691   ,+13 21 45.22   ,46373r-119
416151         ,59945.068002   ,01 37 04.043   ,+17 55 32.28   ,46373r-127
434633         ,59945.069403   ,01 25 37.857   ,+25 20 07.03   ,46373r-139
138852         ,59945.069657   ,01 23 19.125   ,+26 28 07.00   ,46373r-142
279816         ,59945.080608   ,20 22 59.741   ,+69 13 18.27   ,46373r-236
162926         ,59945.092068   ,13 45 36.279   ,+31 30 46.71   ,46374r-78
455594         ,59945.095888   ,13 06 07.171   ,+12 07 36.26   ,46374r-111
455594         ,59945.096016   ,13 06 07.186   ,+12 07 36.18   ,46374r-113
495833         ,59945.097926   ,12 50 40.550   ,+02 05 59.83   ,46374r-129
1627           ,59945.098308   ,12 47 13.930   ,+00 13 16.36   ,46374r-132
277810         ,59945.100473   ,12 25 50.805   ,-10 46 03.55   ,46374r-151
378842         ,59945.102128   ,12 12 38.845   ,-19 14 51.80   ,46374r-165
162082         ,59945.104038   ,11 53 32.643   ,-28 42 27.74   ,46374r-182
8566           ,59945.121611   ,03 21 18.554   ,-39 41 22.55   ,46375r-52
481918         ,59945.130143   ,02 04 42.515   ,+03 23 43.26   ,46375r-125
194268         ,59945.130270   ,02 01 54.844   ,+04 00 00.79   ,46375r-126
162926         ,59945.157138   ,13 45 39.847   ,+31 31 24.48   ,46376r-24
4544           ,59945.159558   ,13 17 53.127   ,+19 49 19.41   ,46376r-45
513572         ,59945.160704   ,13 08 34.064   ,+14 20 06.50   ,46376r-55
455594         ,59945.161086   ,13 06 14.552   ,+12 06 05.19   ,46376r-59
550271         ,59945.162486   ,12 51 45.625   ,+05 13 36.48   ,46376r-71
620064         ,59945.163123   ,12 46 44.949   ,+01 59 31.30   ,46376r-76
277810         ,59945.165670   ,12 25 56.080   ,-10 46 33.69   ,46376r-98
481918         ,59945.195340   ,02 04 41.879   ,+03 23 44.14   ,46377r-36
162926         ,59945.222335   ,13 45 43.417   ,+31 32 02.40   ,46378r-77
455594         ,59945.226155   ,13 06 21.922   ,+12 04 34.05   ,46378r-110
455594         ,59945.226283   ,13 06 21.937   ,+12 04 33.97   ,46378r-112
495833         ,59945.228193   ,12 50 44.136   ,+02 05 47.78   ,46378r-128
1627           ,59945.228575   ,12 47 23.547   ,+00 12 49.66   ,46378r-131
277810         ,59945.230740   ,12 26 01.336   ,-10 47 03.85   ,46378r-150
378842         ,59945.232395   ,12 12 54.299   ,-19 17 15.88   ,46378r-164
162082         ,59945.234305   ,11 53 44.379   ,-28 44 43.02   ,46378r-181
8566           ,59945.251878   ,03 21 18.030   ,-39 38 24.29   ,46379r-51
482650         ,59945.254807   ,02 52 08.786   ,-24 45 03.47   ,46379r-76
530531         ,59945.258627   ,02 22 16.836   ,-05 39 34.46   ,46379r-109
497230         ,59945.260664   ,02 06 51.136   ,+04 54 12.69   ,46379r-127
441641         ,59945.262192   ,01 54 24.948   ,+12 50 35.97   ,46379r-140
475950         ,59945.262192   ,01 55 21.476   ,+12 40 29.83   ,46379r-140
424392         ,59945.262829   ,01 48 55.332   ,+16 24 59.36   ,46379r-145
424392         ,59945.262956   ,01 48 55.339   ,+16 24 59.20   ,46379r-147
254417         ,59945.277472   ,18 55 02.214   ,+68 58 08.66   ,46379r-272
162926         ,59945.287405   ,13 45 46.976   ,+31 32 40.25   ,46380r-52
513572         ,59945.290970   ,13 08 56.906   ,+14 20 17.84   ,46380r-83
455594         ,59945.291353   ,13 06 29.312   ,+12 03 02.68   ,46380r-86
550271         ,59945.292753   ,12 51 55.028   ,+05 11 33.88   ,46380r-98
620064         ,59945.293390   ,12 46 48.260   ,+01 59 26.44   ,46380r-104
277810         ,59945.295937   ,12 26 06.598   ,-10 47 33.89   ,46380r-126
8566           ,59945.317075   ,03 21 17.785   ,-39 36 55.06   ,46381r-27
481918         ,59945.325479   ,02 04 40.619   ,+03 23 46.02   ,46381r-100
481918         ,59945.325607   ,02 04 40.618   ,+03 23 45.99   ,46381r-101
162926         ,59945.352475   ,13 45 50.530   ,+31 33 18.15   ,46382r-76
162926         ,59945.352602   ,13 45 50.537   ,+31 33 18.26   ,46382r-78
455594         ,59945.356422   ,13 06 36.691   ,+12 01 31.25   ,46382r-111
455594         ,59945.356550   ,13 06 36.706   ,+12 01 31.17   ,46382r-112
495833         ,59945.358460   ,12 50 47.706   ,+02 05 35.85   ,46382r-128
1627           ,59945.358842   ,12 47 33.156   ,+00 12 23.09   ,46382r-131
378842         ,59945.362662   ,12 13 09.773   ,-19 19 40.09   ,46382r-164
162082         ,59945.364572   ,11 53 56.094   ,-28 46 58.13   ,46382r-181
8566           ,59945.382145   ,03 21 17.549   ,-39 35 25.90   ,46383r-51
482650         ,59945.385074   ,02 52 04.871   ,-24 42 54.37   ,46383r-76
486607         ,59945.388384   ,02 26 09.410   ,-08 05 50.81   ,46383r-105
530531         ,59945.388894   ,02 22 16.732   ,-05 33 49.62   ,46383r-109
497230         ,59945.390931   ,02 06 50.606   ,+04 54 34.00   ,46383r-127
441641         ,59945.392459   ,01 54 23.878   ,+12 50 51.65   ,46383r-140
475950         ,59945.392459   ,01 55 21.502   ,+12 40 40.27   ,46383r-140
424392         ,59945.393096   ,01 49 00.171   ,+16 25 21.89   ,46383r-145
424392         ,59945.393223   ,01 49 00.177   ,+16 25 21.74   ,46383r-147
199003         ,59945.399081   ,00 46 38.701   ,+46 06 53.28   ,46383r-197
254417         ,59945.407613   ,18 55 29.088   ,+69 01 18.50   ,46383r-271
254417         ,59945.407740   ,18 55 29.130   ,+69 01 18.73   ,46383r-272
162926         ,59945.417672   ,13 45 54.088   ,+31 33 56.20   ,46384r-52
513572         ,59945.421110   ,13 09 19.660   ,+14 20 29.01   ,46384r-82
513572         ,59945.421237   ,13 09 19.683   ,+14 20 29.27   ,46384r-83
455594         ,59945.421619   ,13 06 44.089   ,+11 59 59.60   ,46384r-86
277810         ,59945.426204   ,12 26 17.093   ,-10 48 33.90   ,46384r-126
8566           ,59945.447342   ,03 21 17.325   ,-39 33 56.61   ,46385r-27
162926         ,59945.482742   ,13 45 57.634   ,+31 34 34.18   ,46386r-77
455594         ,59945.486689   ,13 06 51.476   ,+11 58 27.88   ,46386r-111
495833         ,59945.488727   ,12 50 51.260   ,+02 05 24.03   ,46386r-128
1627           ,59945.489109   ,12 47 42.755   ,+00 11 56.66   ,46386r-132
378842         ,59945.492929   ,12 13 25.265   ,-19 22 04.43   ,46386r-165
162082         ,59945.494839   ,11 54 07.788   ,-28 49 13.07   ,46386r-181
486607         ,59945.518651   ,02 26 08.934   ,-08 04 56.17   ,46387s-16
530531         ,59945.519161   ,02 22 16.691   ,-05 28 04.66   ,46387s-20
497230         ,59945.521198   ,02 06 50.096   ,+04 54 55.41   ,46387s-38
441641         ,59945.522726   ,01 54 22.847   ,+12 51 07.51   ,46387s-51
475950         ,59945.522726   ,01 55 21.552   ,+12 40 50.83   ,46387s-51
424392         ,59945.523363   ,01 49 05.060   ,+16 25 44.67   ,46387s-57
138846         ,59945.525146   ,01 34 52.520   ,+25 36 59.70   ,46387s-72
199003         ,59945.529348   ,00 47 17.747   ,+45 52 21.25   ,46387s-108