Go to the end to download the full example code.
Earth Trojan 2010 TK7
Following some of the analysis from the following papers:
We can perform some dynamical analysis to see if the asteroid 2010 TK7 appears to be an Earth trojan.
The end result of this is a plot which shows the current energy level of the orbit, if the current position of the object is in a gravitational “low”, and the energy line (in red) is below the height of the walls of that low point, then the object is at least temporarily captured.
![2010 TK7](../_images/sphx_glr_earth_trojan_001.png)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import kete
# Grab 2010 TK7 and propagate it to 2010
state_a = kete.HorizonsProperties.fetch("2010 TK7", update_name=False).state
state_a = kete.propagate_n_body([state_a], kete.Time.from_ymd(2010, 1, 1))[0]
state_b = kete.spice.get_state("Earth", state_a.jd)
# Earth mass in Solar masses
mass_planet = 3.0435727639549377e-06
# n_sigma is the number of step on the x axis in the final plot
n_sigma = 500
# m_steps is the number of steps in the numerical integration
m_steps = 100
jd = state_a.jd
elem_a = state_a.elements
elem_b = state_b.elements
period_a = elem_a.orbital_period
period_b = elem_b.orbital_period
sigma_steps = np.linspace(0, 1, n_sigma + 1)[:-1]
energy_vals = []
for shift in sigma_steps:
total = 0
for frac in np.linspace(0, 1, m_steps + 1)[:-1]:
state_a = kete.propagate_two_body([state_a], jd + (frac + shift) * period_a)[0]
state_b = kete.propagate_two_body([state_b], jd + frac * period_b)[0]
pos_a = state_a.pos
pos_b = state_b.pos
total += 1 / (pos_b - pos_a).r -, pos_a) / pos_b.r**3
energy_vals.append(total / m_steps)
cur_energy = (
3 * (elem_a.semi_major - elem_b.semi_major) ** 2 / (8.0 * mass_planet)
+ energy_vals[0]
# energy vals start from the current positions and go a full orbit.
# These may be unrolled so that the Earth is in the middle, the following
# is a series of index manipulations to find the correct position for that.
longitude_b = elem_b.mean_anomaly + elem_b.peri_arg + elem_b.lon_of_ascending
longitude_a = elem_a.mean_anomaly + elem_a.peri_arg + elem_a.lon_of_ascending
i = np.digitize(((longitude_a - longitude_b) % 360) / 360, sigma_steps)
# here are the unrolled values, which may be plotted
vals_unrolled = np.roll(energy_vals, i + n_sigma // 2)
x_unrolled = np.linspace(-180, 180, n_sigma + 1)[:-1]
# plot the energy curve
plt.plot(x_unrolled, vals_unrolled)
# plot the current position of the object
plt.scatter(x_unrolled[(i + n_sigma // 2) % (n_sigma)], energy_vals[0])
# plot the current energy of the object
plt.axhline(cur_energy, c="r")
plt.axvline(0, c="k")
# We can then find and plot the inflection points
local_max = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(vals_unrolled))) < 0).ravel() + 1
for x in vals_unrolled[local_max]:
plt.axhline(x, c="k", ls="--")
plt.xlabel(r"$\sigma$ (deg)")
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.544 seconds)